Integrated And Seamless Security, Every Step Of The Journey.
Kenac Computer Systems Cybersecurity division houses enterprise solutions and services that meet all industries, from small and medium to large scale enterprises
Kenac Computer Systems Cybersecurity division houses enterprise solutions and services that meet all industries, from small and medium to large scale enterprises
Kenac has both the experience and expertise to secure even the largest and most complicated enterprise network. Our Security Advisory and Governance Services can analyze your entire IT infrastructure for vulnerabilities and will verify that your policies and procedures meet the latest industry best practices. Our Managed Security Services department will provide the tools needed to detect suspicious activity across your network, defend your computers from viruses, and intercept malicious attacks on your endpoints. And if you choose, our Security Monitoring and Detection will handle the daily tasks of monitoring and responding to security incidents for you.
Security Monitoring & Detection also ensures security compliance across your systems and infrastructure. A cross-check to your Digital Transformation Strategy as well as your larger Roadmap will form an important part of the processes and milestones at this stage. Although this is the final step for a solution, this is not the final step in the journey. The solutioning and delivery stages can be repeated for each initiative, using the Digital Strategy and Roadmap as the guiding framework throughout the journey. Kenac is committed to being your partner throughout this exciting and ongoing journey of Digital Transformation.